Many things going on 5/03/2009 11:14:00 AM

Many things going on

Yesterday was a day with many things happening to me, i got my new watch, had the best download speed on Streamyx, had my hair cut until almost no more le, got a magic kit for 10 year olds, finished downloading two videos, youtube was making my downloads very slow 40kbps only with one line nia ( normal speed is 67kbps with 9 lines) , and i went to MYF with Jordan. Conclusion is , too many things for me to handle.

Can u see that ? 1024 KilioBytes Per second , crazy speed.

Mythbusters  Youtube Special, The 60,000 matchheads cannon loaded with a 6 pound bowling ball. And see that Discovery HD? Astro got Discovery what? low quality version? Sad case lar Astro....


Mythbusters logo made out of Lego bricks lol.

This is from the X-Men Orgins: Wolverine Workprint i downloaded long time ago, since xmen was released i few days ago this is Wolverine with ropes, fake background and fake lasers....

Thats a real vacuum cleaner its a  Deceptacon from Transformers 2 Revenge of The Fallen 

New Deceptacon Logo? 


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